
IBM melds analytics with state tax collections

IBM on Monday will roll out an analytics tool it calls the Tax Collections Optimizer to help governments collect delinquent debtors.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

IBM on Monday will roll out an analytics tool it calls the Tax Collections Optimizer to help governments collect delinquent debtors.

While your wallet may not be happy about Big Blue helping states become more efficient tax collectors government officials may be all over this offering. IBM notes that the average state has billions of dollars in delinquent taxes.

IBM's Tax Collection Optimizer, available via the company's analytics consulting unit, was cooked up by Big Blue's research and global business service teams. The software uses analytics and models collection action plans for each individual case. The plan weighs things like case load, personnel available and the likely effectiveness of the collection effort. For instance, IBM's software will tell a collections agent the best time to call a deadbeat or schedule a personal visit.

New York State has added IBM's collections optimizer to its arsenal. The haul is expected to be an additional $100 million over three years. IBM has worked with the state of New York since 1999 to make tax collections more efficient and has developed software to identify and analyze sketchy refund claims since 2004.

This post was originally published on Smartplanet.com

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