
In GA, pundits' blogs get more buzz than politicians'

Elected representatives who blog tend to do so timidly, while political bloggers stir up voter excitement.
Written by Richard Koman, Contributor
Morris News Service takes a look at some political blogs in Georgia, noting that politicians are disappointed their efforts don't exactly burn up the blogosphere. One local politician, Doug McKillip, a Democrat from Athens, Ga., starting blogging to try to reach younger voters.
Mr. McKillip's blog is hardly controversial, with little more than procedural details posted. He said the upcoming discussion of Sunday alcohol sales could draw some heavy feedback.

Most people just don't interact with elected representatives in an intense way - if at all - and blogs don't really change that, unless the politician manages to push a hot-button issue.

"They tend to only be read by the political junkies," University of Georgia communications professor Barry Hollander said. "For many, American Idol is their news."

Of course independent political bloggers do manage to get audiences - big ones. Erick Erickson, a lawyer from Macon, coufounded the conservative blog RedState, and launched a Georgia-focused right blog, PeachPundit.com.

"A lot of people don't get involved until an issue affects them," he said. "But when that happens, they start posting away."

He pointed to a September incident in which new state license plates were revealed. More than 90 comments were posted on the Web site, most against the proposed blue plates. Gov. Sonny Perdue later removed the mandatory status from the plates, which Mr. Erickson attributed to feedback from the blogging community.

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