
Intel steps up a gear

IDF: The latest news, analysis, and comment from the Intel Developer Forum
Written by ZDNet UK, Contributor

Intel has unveiled a whole range of new technologies and appliances at its annual developer event in San Francisco. The show could also be the last IDF attended by Intel chief executive Craig Barrett before he makes way for his replacement Paul Otellini.

Intel's concept PC apes Apple
A concept PC being shown off by the chipmaker in San Francisco bears a striking resemblance to the Mac mini

Another connection revolution proposed
Intel is to reveal details of a new stacking technology that could speed up inter-chip communications

Intel reveals flash card plan
The chipmaker is to start manufacturing NAND flash memory in an effort to gain a share of the market for data storage in consumer devices

Intel kicks off new enterprise technologies
Developments such as 'Active Management Technology' and 'I/O Acceleration Technology' are key parts of Intel's roadmap for the enterprise space

AMD losing 32/64-bit chip race
Despite releasing its equivalent chip earlier than rival Intel, the chipmaker has reportedly lost its market-leading position for chips that can run both 32-bit and 64-bit software

Intel 'targeting IBM' with Itanium
The leaders of the chipmaker's digital enterprise group have declared the Power processor as their primary target for the firm's beleaguered server chip

Barrett extends silicon roadmap
The Intel CEO insists that it is 'full blast ahead with the standard Moore's Law' up to its fiftieth and hopefully sixtieth anniversaries

64-bit Windows imminent
After a long wait, 64-bit versions of Windows XP and Server 2003 should ship within weeks

Intel to unveil latest Itanium
More details of the next version of the firm's main server processor, code-named 'Poulson', will be revealed on Tuesday

Intel: Linux can save you money
The chipmaker's CEO sits shares his thoughts on the wireless space and how running Linux on Intel architecture can save millions of dollars

Intel CEO given pimping lesson
Mad Mike, of popular MTV show 'Pimp My Ride', shows off a Chrysler equipped with Centrino wireless technology to Craig Barrett

Will Intel smash the silicon barrier?
Using current technology Moore's Law could be extended till 2020, but after that things will have to get really interesting

Preview: Intel Developer Forum
Dual-core licensing and unclogging data traffic are likely to be the hot topics at Intel's annual developer event in San Francisco

Intel's platform games
Craig Barrett's swansong keynote gave some strong hints about the chipmaker's future plans

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