
Interested in Collaboration Software? Then Think About These 10 Things

Key trends for organizations to consider in regard to collaboration software in 2015.
Written by Constellation Research, Contributor
Alan Lepofsky
Constellation Research
By Alan Lepofsky, Vice President and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research

As Collaboration software grows in popularity, your organization may plan on investing in or updating its collaboration system. Consider these nine trends when preparing your collaboration roadmap for 2015 and beyond.

Of course there are more areas such as application development, partner ecosystem and security. Which of the items in the video below do you agree or disagree with? What's missing?

The State of Collaboration in 2015

1. We don't need more tools. We need our tools to do more.

2. Analytics provide more improved filtering and recommendations for decision making and automated actions.

3. Increased usage of lightweight tools for collaboration and real-time communication.

4. Email remains a critical business tool and evolves to integrate additional messaging types.

5. Small is the new open. Niche networks for specific topics and industries improve context/focus.

6. Mobile is not just a device, but a way of working. Companies innovate their businesses by leveraging mobile technology.

7. Project/task management provides structure to help get work done.

8. Storage vendors fight for market share as files continue to be critical components of business.

9. The "integrated suite" vs. "best of breed" argument continues with suites gaining momentum.

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