
iPhone 3.0 hardware rumors

It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Apple will release its third-generation iPhone hardware platform sometime in June, with WWDC seeming like the obvious choice. Following are some of the new hardware features that have been bandied about:802.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor
It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Apple will release its third-generation iPhone hardware platform sometime in June, with WWDC seeming like the obvious choice. Following are some of the new hardware features that have been bandied about:
  • 802.11n -- Apple Insider reports that iPhone v.3 will feature faster networking courtesy of a new Broadcom BCM4329 wireless chip.

  • FM Transmitter -- 9-to-5 Mac is reporting that Apple will finally bite the bullet and build an FM transmitter into the iPhone so that you'll be able to use any FM radio in range as remote speakers for your iPhone. This option is courtesy of the aforementioned Broadcom BCM4329 wireless chip and is particularly attractive for users that don't have iPod integration in their vehicle.

  • FM Receiver -- The current iPhone can receive FM transmissions but only from the Nike+ transmitter. Addition of the Broadcom BCM4329 chip could allow the iPhone to receive FM radio and even real-time traffic data.

  • 32GB RAM -- The iPod touch is available now with 32GB RAM and NAND memory is now dense enough to accommodate 32GB in the iPhone, so look for 32 and 16GB models this summer with the possibility of a low-end 8GB model sans Wi-Fi.

  • 3.2MP Camera --One of the first knocks on the iPhone is its wimpy 2MP camera. The next model is believed to come with a better 3.2MP camera with video recording capabilities. Still no word on whether it will include a flash, auto-focus, macro mode or image stabilization though.

  • Video Editing -- MacRumors reports that you'll not only be able to record video but that you'll also be able to make minor edits to the video before publishing it to Me.com. The new Voice Memo app currently lets you trim audio clips, so it stands to reason that Apple would also include this feature for video. If for no other reason than to shorten upload times and save bandwidth.

Unfortunately, it's starting to look like a couple of hardware features aren't in the cards.

  • Front-facing camera -- Although this would be a killer feature for video chatting and for Skype (and was previously rumored) it's not in the cards for iPhone v.3 due to bandwidth constraints. AT&T would definitely want a premium for the service in the U.S. and most likely wouldn't include it in the "unlimited" data package.

  • Expansion card slot -- Apple would rather you upgrade your iPhone every year and adding a memory expansion slot wouldn't be an incentive to upgrade so it'll never happen.

  • Removable battery -- I'm sure that this one is at the top of everyone's iPhone hardware wish list but it's simply not going to happen because it makes the phone larger (to accommodate latches and doors) and might jeopardize the iPhone's trademark smooth lines. Let's face it, if Apple is installing fixed batteries in its notebooks (witness the new MacBook Pro 17), then there's no shot of seeing a removable battery any time soon.

What would you like to see in the iPhone 3.0 hardware?

Image: The ToyBox

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