
Irate over markdown, iPhone user sues Apple for $1 million

Aggreived over Apple's $200 iPhone price cut, New Yorker Dongmei Li is suing Apple for$1 million in damages.Filed in Federal Court in New York City, the suit charges that AT&T, Apple and Steve Jobs hav ecommitted price discrimination, discrimination in offering rebates versus credits, unfair and deceptive practices, and underselling.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Aggreived over Apple's $200 iPhone price cut, New Yorker Dongmei Li is suing Apple for$1 million in damages.

Filed in Federal Court in New York City, the suit charges that AT&T, Apple and Steve Jobs hav ecommitted price discrimination, discrimination in offering rebates versus credits, unfair and deceptive practices, and underselling.

Rubbing salt on the perceived wound, the suit further alleges that because early iPhone purchasers will not be able to sell their iPhones for the same profit as later buyers. Li is making this charge based on the discontinuance of the 4GB model- and the fact thatAT&T Mobility subscribers who bought this device are locked into a two-year contract without any viable iPhone resell recourse.

I personally think this is a nuisance lawsuit without any merit. What do you think?

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