
Is the "airline pilot" on that new iPhone ad legit? Tell me what you think

 On the Crave blog, my colleague David Carnoy ponders the legitimacy of the "airline pilot" in the new iPhone ad.BRYCE is shown fessin' up to obtaining more up-to-date weather conditions via The Weather Channel's Weather.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor


On the Crave blog, my colleague David Carnoy ponders the legitimacy of the "airline pilot" in the new iPhone ad.

BRYCE is shown fessin' up to obtaining more up-to-date weather conditions via The Weather Channel's Weather.com on his iPhone than from the folks airline pilots usually depend on for this info. That'd be ground control.


Besides what that says about our national aviation system and its ability to route weather info to pilots, there is the matter of BRYCE's insiginia- or lack thereof.

Citing a post on iPhoneSavior, David notes that poster BEARX220 writes, "If you look closely you see the 'pilot' has no real airline insignia--his 'uniform' is a generic one from a costume shop--and, as discussed above, his anecdote is highly suspect."

I say BRYCE is an actor.

What do you think?

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