
I've just encountered Yahoo! Voice's "Hey, Sexy!" problem

On days like today when I am chained to my desk, I often use Yahoo! Voiceto make phone calls.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

On days like today when I am chained to my desk, I often use Yahoo! Voice

to make phone calls.

I often open Yahoo! Voice via Yahoo! Messenger. IMHO that's the quickest and easiest way to perform this task.

Unfortunately, Yahoo! Messenger has a voice-message spam problem that is only getting worse.

So this morning, I am talking to a hotel engineer for an article I am writing for a hotel industry trade publication I've worked for,  for more than 20 years.

Then, in mid-sentence about antennas the engineer's hotel is constructing to boost in-building cell reception, a voice-spam male voice interrupts our conversation and greets me with:


I was not amused-not because it was a male voice. I mean, to each his own. But see, I would have been just as pi-oed if it was a female voice.

If I wanted to hear "hey sexy," well put it this way. I once "read" there are some websites where you can hear that greeting- and just for starters.

But see, I was using my Yahoo! Voice for work. And having work-related conversations interrupted by "hey sexy" is irritating.

Takeaway: Yahoo! Voice has a spam problem they need to build up their defenses against.

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