
JAJAH trying YouTube posts as marketing strategy: what's the end game?

 I was playing around a bit with YouTube over the weekend. You know, the site where you can post your own videos.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

I was playing around a bit with YouTube over the weekend. You know, the site where you can post your own videos.

Then I got the idea- hmm, what about YouTube as a distribution media for technology marketing messages. VoIP, maybe? Would this add a note of faux authenticity to these messages that Internet banner ads, interstitials and (cough) popups would not?

Driven by my curiousity (that's a good bit of what I am about anyway). I went to YouTube and performed a search for "VoIP."

I found some 30 posts. More than half of them were from consumers, showing off their VoIP phone and stuff. But six were from Internet phone provider JAJAH

I already showed you the first three. Here are the other three:


I don't know, man. I see the strategy- get your message out to consumers in participatory media. But my fear is that marketers- tech or no- might eventually overwhelm YouTube with hype disguised as posts from regular YouTube users. 

If you think that consumers will fall for this stuff as something authentic when it is really hatched in a marketing meeting, you're only deluding yourself. 

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