
Keynote at Bridgewater State EdTech Day - Cancelation Update

If I can get out of my driveway, I have a keynote at a cool Ed Tech conference to give tomorrow. Read on to find out how to contribute to my talk.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

Update: Not that most of you were waiting on pins and needles for the 9:00am EST start of my Bridgewater State EdTech Day keynote, keyboards at the ready to start tweeting, but just in case you were, the event has been canceled due to snow. Bummer. I'll still be sharing some of the thoughts with you in the weeks to come. If you're somewhere in the Northeast, hope you've dug out! My new snowblower is a beast!

I've been completely heads down the last few days, getting moved into a new office (no more frogs, lizards, bugs, or rubble walls in a wet, waterlogged cellar! Woot! And an actual bench for some serious side-by-side testing of slick new equipment for schools!) as well as preparing for EdTech Day at Bridgewater State University tomorrow. I'm giving the keynote this year and have to say that I'm particularly excited for it.

They make me sound particularly important on this poster. I have to hand it to them for making a geeky teacher turned blogger feel like a rockstar. That's not why I'm excited, though. In part, I'm really looking forward to sharing some thoughts and ideas during the keynote, many of which will be familiar to regular readers of this blog. My title is "Adding Value: Avoiding Trendy Tech Traps in Education" and I'll be talking about all those things about which teachers, school committee members, and administrators get really excited but that leave us tech folks saying "Ummm, yeah, but how will you use it? And how will it work in our schools? And what about..." If only geeks ran the world, right?

I'm also excited because I've created the presentation (OK, I'm a last-minute sort of guy...I'm creating the presentation) completely in Google Presentations, will be running it from my Chromebook, and will have folks (hopefully) tweeting questions and undercurrent with the hashtag #cadbsuetd (Christopher Adam Dawson Bridgewater State University Ed Tech Day). Assuming the snowstorm that has me completely buried right now clears out of here soon enough not to delay things, feel free to follow along with any tweeted goodies starting around 9:00am Eastern.

What are some Trendy Tech Traps you've run into? Share them in the talkbacks and they'll probably make it into my talk (like I said, I'm about as last minute as can be). Or if you don't want to climb our comment wall, you can just tweet them with the hashtag #cadttt.

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