
Leader: We ALL want to use biometrics

Some of us just don't know it yet...
Written by silicon.com staff, Contributor

Some of us just don't know it yet...

The use of fingerprint or iris recognition has been something of a controversial subject in recent years, especially in instances where their use is a requirement rather than an option.

However, the ardent opposition of yesteryear to these biometrics appears to be fading, perhaps predictably, as individuals realise there could be something in it for them.

Take the fulsome praise you will hear for the iris recognition offered as an option to regular travellers through London's Heathrow airport. By simply having your iris scanned it is possible to pass through passport control in a breeze.

Want to know more?

Read silicon.com's A to Z of biometrics.

A tangible benefit from the use of biometrics has swayed a lot of people in the same way many euro-sceptics returned from their first holiday in the euro-zone thinking 'perhaps the pound isn't all that special after all'.

That's not to say opposition is based on ignorance but realising there are real personal benefits can be opinion changing.

Take the story about biometrics being used for door security at pubs in Yeovil. We expected an outcry but when presented with the idea that this may keep troublemakers out of pubs a large number of readers realised this could be a scheme they would support.

And the fact of the matter is everybody will have their 'price' – a tipping point at which they realise they'd rather support the use of biometrics than not.

There may be some whose threshold is never reached but by that stage the vast majority will have given their backing to schemes across the country and around the world.

It's understandable that in this day and age it turns on the question 'what's in it for me?', and as the government plans the rollout of biometric passports and ID cards that is the question they must answer. At the moment we only know what it will cost us and how problematic the process is likely to be.

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