
Legal Aid WA revamps content management

in brief Legal Aid Western Australia will implement Hummingbird's Red Dot Web-based content management system with the assistance of services group Alphawest.Legal Aid is a statutory body headquartered in Perth which provides legal advice and information.
Written by Renai LeMay, Contributor
in brief Legal Aid Western Australia will implement Hummingbird's Red Dot Web-based content management system with the assistance of services group Alphawest.

Legal Aid is a statutory body headquartered in Perth which provides legal advice and information.

Terry Gaston

In a statement issued today by Alphawest, Legal Aid's information manager Terry Gaston said the implementation would be a key part of the group's new Legal Resource System.

"We look forward to working with Alphawest to grow our system from a simple searchable database to a one-stop resource that presents a wide range of information and tools focused on relevant legal issues," he said.

ZDNet Australia is seeking further information from Legal Aid about the implementation.

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