
Lenovo demos its dual-screen ThinkPad W700ds [video]

TechRepublic's Bill Detwiler scoped out that Lenovo W700ds, the dual-screen ThinkPad that Lenovo detailed on Monday.Bill came away skeptical:The W700ds is certainly a powerful machine with interesting features, such as the built-in digitizer and color calibration, but I’m not sure its key feature, the slide-out display, really adds to the mix.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

TechRepublic's Bill Detwiler scoped out that Lenovo W700ds, the dual-screen ThinkPad that Lenovo detailed on Monday.

Bill came away skeptical:

The W700ds is certainly a powerful machine with interesting features, such as the built-in digitizer and color calibration, but I’m not sure its key feature, the slide-out display, really adds to the mix. The point of dual monitors is to expand desktop real-estate. Why not just ad a second LCD monitor to the W700ds instead of using the pull out display?

Perhaps I just don’t see the usefulness of an extra few inches of screen space because I’m not the W700ds’ intended user. If there are any graphics professionals or CAD designers out there, I’d love to get your impression of Lenovo’s slide-out display.

Here's the video of the demo from the CES floor.

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