
Leo Apotheker appointed joint CEO at SAP

According to sources, Leo Apotheker is set to join Henning Kagermann as joint CEO of SAP. Previously, Apotheker held the post of deputy CEO.
Written by Dennis Howlett, Contributor

According to sources, Leo Apotheker is set to join Henning Kagermann as joint CEO of SAP. Previously, Apotheker held the post of deputy CEO.

The move signals that rather than extend his contract of service with the company which runs out in May 2009, Henning Kagermann has decided to hand over the reins of power to the company's top sales person. Together with Hasso Plattner, co-founder of SAP, Kagermann was co-chairman of the SAP Executive Board and CEO from 1998 to 2003.

While the move came as something of a surprise, SAP has a tradition of appointing co-CEO's as part of a transition in power.

It will be interesting to see how the management team shapes up. I would expect to see a more prominent role for John Schwartz who came over to SAP when the company acquired BusinessObjects.

Further details are expected later in the day.

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