
Let 'Em Go Cold Turkey on DTV, President Obama

By February 17, Barack Obama will be president. Already, he wants to delay the DTV transition scheduled for that night.
Written by Tom Steinert-Threlkeld, Contributor

By February 17, Barack Obama will be president. Already, he wants to delay the DTV transition scheduled for that night.

Right now, TV stations across the country are supposed to flip the switch to all-digital signals at the end of that day.

Given all the problems facing this country, you almost wonder if this is an issue that should even be taking a minute of his time and attention. What's the worst case here? Twenty million of 111 million households deals with the transition on its own or goes cold turkey on TV?

This is change you can believe in.

Yes, someone should be worried about the poor and elderly, in this transition. For most of the elderly, that should be their families or caregivers. For the poor, there is the converter box program.

Worst case, who should be worrying about this? The broadcasters and local representatives who are going to lose viewers and the appreciation of constituents when this happens. Let them work out a way to get converter boxes, if the coupons run out, or at least last-minute education on what to do. Set up temporary service centers on the Main Street. Or take over the front of a Best Buy.

How bad can it be? Anyone who is actually watching TV these days can't help but see the commercials from local TV stations and cable operators or the plugs on TV news shows for explanatory Web sites or profit-minded public service announcements from electronics makers -- like antenna manufacturers (Even though you don't really need a new one.)

If they actually watch TV and still don't know what's going on, let the picture go dark. Let them get motivated, on their own. Or, find other ways to entertain (and educate) themselves.

Worst case, this is one social issue you can leave to your pal, Joe The Plumber, to handle, Mr. President-elect.

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