
listpic makes Craigslist a lot more useful

Craigslist is a great service and one I use all the time but it leaves a bit to be desired in the visual stimulation department. No more. Thanks to Duke City Fix, a local Albuquerque blog, I just found Listpic which displays a calendar grid of all items that provide a photo making it easy to do a visual scan for whatever you may be searching for.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor
Craigslist is a great service and one I use all the time but it leaves a bit to be desired in the visual stimulation department. No more. Thanks to Duke City Fix, a local Albuquerque blog, I just found listpic which displays a calendar grid of all items that provide a photo making it easy to do a visual scan for whatever you may be searching for. This will save me quite a bit of time and more than a bit of eye fatigue whenever I'm perusing the classifieds.
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