
Macworld Expo 2009 keynote stream posted

Apple has posted a stream of today's keynote address by Phil Schiller at Macworld Expo here in San Francisco. The Apple Keynotes podcast (iTunes) has not yet been updated as of this writing.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor

Apple has posted a stream of today's keynote address by Phil Schiller at Macworld Expo here in San Francisco. The Apple Keynotes podcast (iTunes) has not yet been updated as of this writing.

Apple's Web site features rotating pages with new announcements today. All the information can also be found in new product pages for iLife '09, iWork '09 and the MacBook Pro 17-inch.

The Apple online store is open and press releases are posted for the new products.

After watching the stream, how do you rate Phil Schiller's performance?

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