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Mafia Spammers (the cheekiest spammer ever?)

I received the cheekiest spam comment on my blog today.Quote:hello , my name is Richard and I know you get a lot of spammy comments ,I can help you with this problem .
Written by David Long David, Contributor

I received the cheekiest spam comment on my blog today.

Quote: hello , my name is Richard and I know you get a lot of spammy comments , I can help you with this problem . I know a lot of spammers and I will ask them not to post on your site. It will reduce the volume of spam by 30-50% .In return Id like to ask you to put a link to my site on the index page of your site. The link will be small and your visitors will hardly notice it , its just done for higher rankings in search engines. Contact me icq 454528835 or write me tedirectory(at)yahoo.com , i will give you my site url and you will give me yours if you are interested. thank you End Quote.

This is equivalent to Mafia asking for protection money when they are likely the ones you need protecting from.

My blog gets a lot of traffic and so I get about 1000 spam comments a week. My spam filter catches about 80% of them and as I don't allow comments to be visible until I've read them personally the other 20% don't make it either. So I see a lot of spam but that has to be the cheekiest. 1) He has no power over the spam comments on my site so has nothing to offer 2) He is a spammer himself 3) He is trying to con google into boosting his site's ranking at the same time as trying to con blog owners

I hope no one falls for this and uses a free spam filter such as Akismet. Akismet Spam from my blog

I am very tempted to use the YouTube loophole to spam his email address.

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