
Magink aims to outshine LED technology, but not outpower

A six-year-old developer of reflective display technologies has snagged an indoor (albeit heavily sunlit) installation with the New England Patriots.Take a look.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

A six-year-old developer of reflective display technologies has snagged an indoor (albeit heavily sunlit) installation with the New England Patriots.

Take a look.

What makes Magink's technology interesting is not just the brightness of the picture OR the fact that images including video can be viewed in bright sunlight, BUT the fact that the technology typically uses less power than comparable LED-based displays, according to Gadi Tirosh, chairman of the Israel-based company Magink. Tirosh estimates that nine-square-feet of LEDs would consume about 500 watts, while Magink would use about a fifth of that amount. And, because it doesn't emit light, it will not emit the same sort of heat.

You can expect to pay about the same price of slightly higher for a Magink display as you would shell out for a 22-millimeter LED format, but Tirosh claims Magink is more cost-effective than 10-millimeter LED technology. The company is pitching its products for applications in architecture and digital signage (read, advertising).

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