
Marketing in the twitter, facebook and youtube era

I had an interesting conversation with Rick Braddy, CEO of Conxentric, about the challenges of marketing products and services today.  Although in these trying times, people could benefit from the products and services being offered in the market, they are overwhelmed by marketing messages.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

I had an interesting conversation with Rick Braddy, CEO of Conxentric, about the challenges of marketing products and services today.  Although in these trying times, people could benefit from the products and services being offered in the market, they are overwhelmed by marketing messages.

In the physical world, ads are showing up on just about every flat surface. In the virtual world, people as just as inundated. Websites display banner ads and messages popup over or under the material they came to see. A typical Email inbox contians more more unwanted messages (SPAM) than wanted messages. How can companies hope to break through all of this clutter and speak with people who are interested in their products or services and not bother everyone else in the process?

Rick has developed a methodology, precision marketing, for breaking through the noise and clutter that's preventing audiences from paying attention to many marketing messages today, enabling a company's message to actually get through to the intended audience. Rick's methodology is very similar to the projects the Kusnetzy Group has been executing for its clients.

If you sell a product or service, you are likely to find the 2-minute video describing this interesting new marketing methodology very useful.  It can be found here: www.PrecisionMarketingSystem.com.

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