
Merry Christmas!

The ZDNet.com.au crew would like to thank all of our readers for visiting the site this year and wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

Merry Christmas! It's that special time of year again and our output of stories has slowed somewhat as everyone goes on holidays (and we open our presents!).

The ZDNet.com.au crew would like to thank all of our readers for visiting the site this year and wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.

It's been a momentous year for Australia's ICT industry; issues such as the National Broadband Network, internet censorship, Hewlett-Packard's merger with EDS, the Gershon report and ongoing huge IT roll-outs such as core banking systems have kept us very occupied. The turmoil with the economy has kept everyone on their toes towards the end of the year. And next year will probably be even busier.

But if there is one thing that has remained a constant throughout all the ups and downs, it's the strength of the community that has built up around ZDNet.com.au.

We might be the ones that write the stories, design the site, edit photos, keep the web servers running and so on, but it's the enthusiasm of you, the readers, who keep us excited about coming in to work every day to tell the stories that count.

So thanks for the hundreds of thousands of talkback comments, emails, phone calls and more that you all contributed this year. We appreciate every last one.

Now get back to opening presents, drinking toasts and eating cherries! We'll return to our regularly scheduled programming shortly.

From the ZDNet.com.au team.

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