
Merry Christmas!

From all the team here at ZDNet Australia, we want to wish all of our readers, commenters, Twitter followers, Facebook fans, podcasters, and their families a merry Christmas, and a happy and safe New Year.
Written by ZDNet Australia team , Contributor

From all the team here at ZDNet Australia, we want to wish all of our readers, commenters, Twitter followers, Facebook fans, podcasters, and their families a merry Christmas, and a happy and safe New Year.

Merry Christmas 2010

(Credit: ZDNet Australia)

It's certainly been one wild ride, from the political tumult surrounding the National Broadband Network, to the hubbub over the Cloud, sprinkled in with the whistle-blowing leakery of Julian Assange, and the all of the attacks, breaches, bungles, leaks and holes in the IT security sector. 2010 was a busy year.

But despite the year's various upheavals, you, the readers, kept coming back for your dose of the latest news, reviews, photos and videos. The community's enthusiasm and passion for all the latest news is what makes this job fun and we love bringing it to you.

So for all the comments, emails, views and downloads on ZDNet Australia this year, thank you.

We'll be posting news as it happens over the Christmas and New Year break, as well as a few special stories here and there.

We're looking forward to bringing you the latest and greatest in news and reviews in 2011.

Cheers and have a great break,

The ZDNet Australia team.

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