
Mexico City to go wireless by 2008

Chinese company will build network that will make one of the world's largest cities one huge Wi-Fi hotspot. Mayor calls wireless a 'top priority/'
Written by Richard Koman, Contributor
All of Mexico City will be one free, wireless Internet hotspot by 2008, Mayor Marcelo Ebrard announced, according to AFP.
The project "will accelerate the technological development of the city," Ebrard said after signing a contract with the Chinese telecoms and networking giant ZTE.

"Why connect 4,000 cameras with fiber (optic cable) if everyone has wireless?" he said. "If we are going to deploy 4,000 (security) cameras, I want them to be Wi-Fi," Ebrard said.

Chinese telecom company ZTE will build the network to connect Mexico City schools and government offices, Information Week reports.

"We hope in the coming months, throughout this government, we will have more Chinese and Mexican engineers working together to solve our technological problems," the mayor was reported to have said. "The capital government is giving top priority to this project."
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