
Microsoft Media Center Vulnerability

I have ranted before about the "Windows everywhere" strategy. Not only does it just not make sense for the world - it is insane.
Written by Richard Stiennon, Contributor

I have ranted before about the "Windows everywhere" strategy. Not only does it just not make sense for the world - it is insane.

We seem to have gotten to the point where most people are comfortable with patching and updating their computers on a regular basis. Well, not most, about 50% evidently. But how often to hospitals patch their blood pressure/oxygen monitor machines? How often do you patch your palm computer? And it is my contention that as Microsoft's Media Center gets popular Nobody will patch it. Come on, you are talking about people who leave the VCR clock on *blink* mode.

This rant brought to you by the news that a denial of service vulnerability exists in Media Center.

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