
Microsoft OOXML has become IS 29500: How did it happen?

Microsoft's bit to make its Office Open XML (OOXML) document format an international standard has been successful, but the road was far from smooth. ZDNet.com.au has compiled all the headlines that track the arduous journey of what is now known as IS 29500.
Written by ZDNet Staff, Contributor

Microsoft's bit to make its Office Open XML (OOXML) document format an international standard has been successful, but the road was far from smooth. ZDNet.com.au has compiled all the headlines that track the arduous journey of what is now known as IS 29500.

[? //Get all stories related to Microsoft and Yahoo library('/zdnet/livery/storyfragments/data/get_related_stories_by_keywordsolr.htm'); unset($options); $options[rows] = 0; $options[keywords] = array("ooxml"); $stories_list = get_related_stories_by_keywords($options); $tmp_stories = array(); foreach($stories_list as $story){ if($story->title != ""){ $story->article_type = strtolower(str_replace(array("APPLESOURCE : ", "CNET : ", "BUILDER : ", "ZDNET : "), "", $story->article_type)); if($story->article_type == "blogs" || $story->article_type == "features"){ $tmp_stories["features"][] = $story; }else{ $tmp_stories[$story->article_type][] = $story; } } } ?]


[? $count = 0; foreach($tmp_stories["news"] as $story){ ?] [? if ($count%4 == 2) { ?]
[? } else if ($count%4 == 0) { ?]
[? } ?]

[?= $story->title ?]

[?= $story->long_summary ?]

[?= ($count%2 == 1) ? '
' : '' ?] [? $count++; } ?] [?= ($count%2 == 0) ? '' : '
' ?]


[? $count = 0; foreach($tmp_stories["features"] as $story){ ?] [? if ($count%4 == 2) { ?]
[? } else if ($count%4 == 0) { ?]
[? } ?]

[?= $story->title ?]

[?= $story->long_summary ?]

[?= ($count%2 == 1) ? '
' : '' ?] [? $count++; } ?] [?= ($count%2 == 0) ? '' : '
' ?]
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