
Microsoft to Google: Slow down! Is Steve Ballmer right?

Google may not be INSANE as Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer recently lobbed, but CEO Eric Schmidt may very well be biting off more than he and his merry band of Googlers can successfully chew.Google’s high-speed battle with Microsoft I analyzed last month, and the race continues!
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor

Google may not be INSANE as Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer recently lobbed, but CEO Eric Schmidt may very well be biting off more than he and his merry band of Googlers can successfully chew.

Google’s high-speed battle with Microsoft I analyzed last month, and the race continues!

What has transpired since Ballmer’s public chiding of Google’s faster than the speed of light way of doing business?

Google buys Marratech e-meeting startup: Nerd paradise?

Is Google truly a friend of entrepreneurs when it “thinks small” in scooping up fledging start-ups at barely more than asset value in order to neutralize potential competition, bag engineering talent and fatten up its library of code.

Where is JotSpot, after last year’s Google buyout of the small application Wiki start-up? The Jotspot.com Website remains unchanged six months after the Google absorption, much as the Dodgeball Website remained in a time-warp following its move to Google servers.

The Dodgeball founders got tired of waiting for their Google migration to bear fruits.

Google Radio: Can Clear Channel REALLY save it?

How “hot” will Google profits be from brokering someone else’s radio inventory? Off the bat, Clear Channel will "receive the majority of the ad revenue."

Don’t count on the AdWords blind auctions, in Google’s sole favor, advertisers bid up their own prices, no obvious ceiling to monetization, $150 billion market cap GOOG fuel. Perhaps, Google may break even for its efforts.

Google DoubleClick merger: Who wins, who loses

Google insists its $3.1 billion is being committed for one simple motivation: To “make advertising on the Internet work better,” for everyone.  Who would resist such Googley do-goodness?

Users who proactively protect their privacy by opting out of the DoubleClick DART cookie ID, perhaps?Or, maybe publishers and marketers not wishing to put all their advertising eggs in one big, transparent only to Google, banner, search, video…online basket...Google DoubleClick marriage (can be) risky business.

Google: The REAL Dish on EchoStar TV ad sales deal

Google’s offline advertising expertise to date has solely been about tests, radio advertising tests, newspaper advertising tests, magazine advertising tests…The outcomes to date of all of Google’s offline advertising tests?

The jury is NOT still out, the jury has been sent home, along with Google's dMarc Broadcasting radio advertising platform founders!

What else did Google do since Ballmer’s “la la la, its twenty percent, twenty percent, we don’t have to do anything new, we just have to do it twenty percent more next year" parody of the Google Wall Street darling?

Report another blowout quarter: Google paints $3.7 billion pretty picture.

There is a flaw in the Google work of art, however, it is a one-dimensional painting: 99% AdWords pure.

Wall Street is starting to hunger for more on the Google plate than billion of dollars worth of high-margin online text ads, especially now that Google has shown its willingness to draw down its cash reserves for a big acquisition and step-up its high-cost data center build-out.

Google is also starting to show a little wear and tear on its diversifications roll-out:

Google Office enterprise security snafu

Google dumped by Dodgeball founders

YouTube: Why Google is running scared

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