
Microsoft told Nigeria to dump Linux for Windows

Mandriva CEO claims 17,000 Linux desktop machines delivered to Nigeria are to have their operating systems replaced by Windows at the eleventh hour.
Written by Tom Espiner, Contributor

Nigerian schools bought thousands of PCs with Mandriva Linux pre-installed but after words from Microsoft, they switched to Windows.

The chief executive officer of Mandriva, François Bancilhon, has taken Microsoft to task over the Nigerian government's alleged decision to wipe Mandriva Linux software from 17,000 school computers and install Windows instead.

In an open letter, Bancilhon claimed Mandriva developed and recently closed a deal to provide computers to Nigeria's schools. The initial batch delivered was 17,000 Classmate PCs from Intel, with a customized Mandriva Linux operating system, according to Bancilhon.

However, Mandriva claims it has now been told that the Nigerian government will replace its Linux distribution with Windows.

"Today, we heard from the customer: 'We shall pay for the Mandriva software as agreed, but we shall replace it [with] Windows afterward[s]'," wrote Bancilhon. "Wow! I'm impressed, Steve! What have you done for these guys to change their mind like this? Hey Steve, how do you feel looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning?"

Microsoft and representatives from the Nigerian government had not responded to a request for comment at the time of writing.

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