
Microsoft Yahoo's biggest problem - what to call it?

Microhoo? Yasoft? Macrahoo! ?And there's been much blethering this weekend about Yahoo and Microsoft, some of which would have been more accurate had the producers just slit a goat and squinted at its entrails.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

Microhoo? Yasoft? Macrahoo! ?

And there's been much blethering this weekend about Yahoo and Microsoft, some of which would have been more accurate had the producers just slit a goat and squinted at its entrails.

Tough on the goat, though. We have better ways, in this modern world, to find the truth through mysticism.

Let's ask the Internet Anagram Server:

A choir softly moo A comfy shoo riot Is yo' factor homo? Riot of macho soy Too roomy, if cash Cash from I to Yoo Or shoot icy foam Oh, micro oaf toys Chamois roof toy

But my favourite (so far) is

Oh my! Root fiasco!

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