
Microsoft's GitHub to developers: New Android app beta lets you do these tasks

The app allows developers to review code, merge changes, and collaborate on mobile.
Written by Liam Tung, Contributing Writer

Code-sharing site GitHub has released the beta of its new Android app, giving developers the tools to do certain coding tasks from their smartphone. 

The Microsoft-owned business announced the iOS and Android app at its conference in November, first offering developers an iOS beta app for iPhones and iPads. Now developers with Android phones can join the beta program, too. 

The app is for jobs that don't require a full desktop development environment, but it does allow users to collaborate on tasks such as reviewing code and design changes, and merging changes. 

"We're making these tasks easier to complete while you're on the go, with a fully native experience. With GitHub for mobile, you have the flexibility to move work forward and stay in touch with your team, wherever you are," says Ryan Nystrom, director of engineering at GitHub

SEE: How to build a successful developer career (free PDF)

The Android app is available for any phone running Android 5.1 and later. GitHub notes it supports multiple screen sizes and settings, including dark mode. 

GitHub, which launched in 2008, has about 40 million users worldwide, so the app should be a popular option for those who want a better experience than GitHub's mobile website and need to do work without a computer. 

Developers who already signed up for the Android waitlist will have received an email invite with a link to join the program. GitHub notes that there are a limited number of places in the beta program but says it will open more as they become available. 

The app's home screen offers four main tabs, consisting of Issues, Pull Requests, Repositories, and Organizations. 

There's also a Favorites section that allows users to pin their favorite repositories, and a Recent section for recently opened pull requests or issues the user recently commented on. 


The GitHub Android app's home screen offers four main tabs: Issues, Pull Requests, Repositories, and Organizations.  

Image: GitHub
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