
Midnight on La Rambla

We made it. Team ZDNet has successfully decanted itself onto the Gatwick Express, into the EasyJet Airbus of Dreams, shuffled dolefully along the First Giant Queue Of Many to the taxi and into our sumptuously appointed two star palace on La Rambla.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

We made it. Team ZDNet has successfully decanted itself onto the Gatwick Express, into the EasyJet Airbus of Dreams, shuffled dolefully along the First Giant Queue Of Many to the taxi and into our sumptuously appointed two star palace on La Rambla. (After much searching, I found the solitary power point in the room - half way up the wall, hidden by the curtain). A cuttlefish of cables now hangs down, I'm charging and online, and all is well.

Mobile World Congress awaits. I'm after LTE and WiMAX stories, plus whatever arises on new technology in the handset, enterprise services and good old gossip. David Meyer is slavering about mobile Linux (as well he might), and Alper Cagatay, our video guy, is looking rather shocked. He's got to cope with the demands of us, Silicon and Cnet.co.uk, all the while lugging tripod and camera through the eight halls of MWC. And, of course, we'll be dealing with whatever happens that we're not expecting - which, I hope, will be most of it.

By way of experiment, I'm trying to do as much as possible of the show using the Asus Eee and HSDPA. Biggest problems are battery life and screen size - I do have a much sleeker Vaio in reserve, but I can't get the HSDPA modem to play with Vista (it took about ten minutes of rather obscure hackery to make it work with Ubuntu, which is ten minutes too many, but after half an hour with Vista I was still getting nowhere),

But it's 2am now, there's a seven o'clock start, so if you'll excuse me.

Back soon.

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