
MobileTechRoundup show #221; Nokia World, HTC, iOS 4.2 beta

The MoTR gang was finally able to get back together to record another show and we started off by talking about our recent trip to Nokia World 2010.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

Listen here (MP3, 51.6 MB, 56:18 minutes)

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It has been a couple of weeks since the MoTR gang has been able to get together, so I am pleased to let you know that MobileTechRoundup show #221 is now up and available for you to listen to. In this show, Kevin, James, and myself started by talking about our first Nokia World trip and the devices we were able to get our hands on. The T-Mobile G2 is coming soon, there have been lots of Windows Phone 7 rumors, and HTC announced a couple of new devices and a service. The Samsung Galaxy Tab is coming to all four carriers and Kevin has been playing with the iOS 4.2 beta for the iPad.

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