
MOBIVOX lets Skype users access contacts via cell

Download Squad's Lisa Hoover has gotten the oppty to play with a private beta of MOBIVOX.The utility lets Skype users access their contacts via cellphone, or via any other connection, for that matter.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Download Squad's Lisa Hoover has gotten the oppty to play with a private beta of MOBIVOX.

The utility lets Skype users access their contacts via cellphone, or via any other connection, for that matter.

Noting that the call quality was "terrific," Lisa provides a quite cogent explanation of how the MOBIVOX technology works with Skype:

Here's where the free MOBIVOX service comes in handy.During the short registration process, users are asked to provide their Skype login info so the service can automatically import your Skype address book information into your profile. Then all you need to do is select a local access phone number from an impressive list that serves 23 countries. There are over 80 US and more than 20 UK numbers already available, with more on the way for all countries, according to the website. Clearer access number information on specific US cities and towns would have been welcome, however. It took some extra time and some searching to determine whether Aurora was an access number for Illinois, Ohio, Colorado, Oregon, or Missouri (it's for CO). Complete the registration by providing your mobile number so MOBIVOX can ID you when you call and you're all set.
MOBIVOX free features are accessible immediately upon registration. Simply dial the local access number you've selected and "VoxGirl" will talk you through the voice-activated dialing process. At VoxGirl's prompt, say the name of the contact you wish to speak with, followed by which number you'd like MOBIVOX to dial (Skype, cell, home, etc). When I said, "Joe, Skype," the system confirmed my choice, gave me the option of canceling, then connected me immediately.

Does this sound like a service you would be interested in using? 


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