
Moo.com takes on the greeting card business

Hoping to leverage the buzz surrounding its business cards, the British company is moving into greeting cards, as well.Photos: Notecards go Moo
Written by Daniel Terdiman, Contributor
Following the success of its nontraditional business cards, Moo.com is branching out and hoping the Web 2.0 world will adopt its new notecards as well.

Moo's small, elegant cards are all the rage at gatherings of Web 2.0 types from video game industry folks to bloggers, in part because users can upload their own photos onto the back of the cards. Now, Moo is taking that personalization concept and merging it with a 100 millimeter by 100 millimeter take on the traditional greeting card.


The notecards, which were launched late Tuesday, come in sets of 16 cards, and users of Flickr, Second Life, Fotolog, Bebo and Habbo can upload their images onto them.

The cards also have a fold-over flap that allows them to stand up, much like small picture frames. Consumers can upload up to 16 images in a set, and the images will be divided by the number used. For example, if someone uploads 8 images, he or she would get 2 of each card.

Moo.com charges $25 per set, plus $4 shipping, compared with $20 for 100 of its business cards. The price may seem a bit expensive for 16 cards, but compared with high-quality greeting cards, it's probably not too bad.

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