
Most IT workers eye job move in 2011

Techies are feeling unloved and have itchy feet, survey finds...
Written by Natasha Lomas, Contributor

Techies are feeling unloved and have itchy feet, survey finds...

A whopping 80 per cent of techies are planning to look for a new job next year, a poll by recruiter the IT Job Board has found.

An even bigger majority, some 85 per cent, plan to jump ship once the recession ends, according to the recent survey of more than 100 IT pros.

More than half, 53 per cent, of those who plan to leave their current job said they have itchy feet because they don't feel valued, while almost half, 48 per cent, blame a poor salary for their wandering eye.

Job search: IT workers seeking pastures new in 2011

IT workers going job hunting next year
(Photo credit: Shutterstock)

Only 41 per cent of the techies polled said they feel loyal to their current employer, with close to half, 45 per cent, of those who do feel committed, saying it's because they are working on exciting projects. Another 45 per cent said their loyalty is down to working with teams they like.

Reasons for lacking loyalty are management not listening - cited by 53 per cent of respondents - and their current employer cutting corners, 46 per cent.

Better corporate comms would improve the loyalty of IT workers, according to 58 per cent of the respondents. However, 52 per cent said they believe that techies as a group are always a fickle bunch when it comes to job loyalty.

Banking and finance are the sectors with the highest levels of IT worker churn, according to the techies polled.

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