
Mozilla ready to play games with Firefox

Mozilla hopes to draw upon gaming to advance browser application development.
Written by Stephen Shankland, Contributor

Computer games have played an important role in advancing the state of the art for computing, and now Mozilla hopes to draw upon gaming to advance browser application development.

The Firefox backer launched the new Mozilla Labs Gaming project Tuesday with the goal of encouraging programmers to use a host of new browser and Web technologies.

"Modern Open Web technologies introduced a complete stack of technologies such as Open Video, audio, WebGL, touch events, device orientation, geolocation, and fast JavaScript engines which make it possible to build complex (and not so complex) games on the Web. With these technologies being delivered through modern browsers today, the time is ripe for pushing the platform," said Pascal Finette, the Mozilla Labs "catalyst" whose job is to "make things happen." As part of the effort, Mozilla also announced the Game_On 2010 browser-game contest that will start in September.

For more on this story, read Mozilla: Now is the time for browser-based games on CNET News.

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