
Neocleus presents end-point virtualization use cases

I just read an interesting press release from Neocleus, in which they present the use cases that their product can address. It's a good start for a newcomer to the industry.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

I just read an interesting press release from Neocleus, in which they present the use cases that their product can address. It's a good start for a newcomer to the industry. The company appears to have looked at the issues everyone else is seeing and took a different approach to offering a solution.

Neocleus use cases

Here's a snippet of the Neocleus press release:

The specific use cases addressed by Neocleus’ solutions at VMWorld 2008 allow enterprises to:

Secure access to corporate resources regardless of the endpoint’s state of security – Securing access to corporate resources from outside the corporate perimeter is a significant headache for IT departments.  Neocleus uses client-hosted, type 1 virtualization to fundamentally change the way organizations secure the distributed enterprise.  This solution incorporates an innovative approach to authentication and configuration management, providing IT with a secure remote access solution that is predictable and easy to control without impacting user performance.

Expand reach of desktop virtualization to all users – Neocleus’ client-hosted, type 1 approach provides the means for VOIP, Video and other graphic- and CPU-intensive applications to run as local virtual machines with direct access to the endpoint horsepower they need to perform.  Neocleus will demonstrate how this technology ultimately enables organizations to realize even greater value from their desktop virtualization efforts.

Streamline client computing – IT departments’ and end users’ client computing requirements are often in conflict.  Users want flexibility to personalize their computing environment and freedom to use third-party applications and access Internet services.  IT departments want to limit end-user changes and control access to “open” networks.  Neocleus’ will demonstrate how it leverages client-hosted, type 1 virtualization to empower IT to deliver a completely closed, unchangeable corporate Windows computing image, free from hardware dependencies.  At the same time, end users get the flexibility to personalize their client configurations and an open Windows computing environment with access to the Internet and other services on the same endpoint.

Snapshot analysis

I had the opportunity to meet with the executives of Neocleus at their headquarters a while back. They demonstrated early versions of the technology that supports these use cases. Considering everything, I was impressed with what the company has done and thought that it would be a great addition to the technology portfolio of many organizations.

It appears to be based on a clear understanding of real world issues that IT staff face all the time. An organization's staff often want the freedom to manipulate and customize their desktop environment that has caused conflict with the organization's IT staff.

The IT staff want to nail things down to improve levels of security, reliability and to address compliance with regulations. The end users often don't understand this and rebel by installing their own software, bringing in their own computers and ignoring the guidelines that would allow the IT staff to do their job - keep the environment running and respond to outside requirments.

Although suppliers such as Citrix and VMware offer technology to address these issues, Neocleus has look at the same issues and come up with a different approach. Since every organization has its own requirements, it would be good for them to look at the approaches different suppliers are offering and make a selection based upon which approach most effectively responds to organizational requirements.

If you're going to be at VMworld, it would be wise to drop by and see what Neocleus is doing. If nothing else, I think you will enjoy a conversation with Etay Bogner, founder and CTO, Neocleus. I really enjoyed debating market trends with him when I was visiting the Neocleus offices.

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