
NetBeans Day subsumed by CommunityOne

CommunityOne is a free one-day event to be held on May 7th, the day before JavaOne. Topics include NetBeans, OpenSolaris, GlassFish, OpenJDK, Web 2.0, and more.
Written by Ed Burnette, Contributor

To reflect an increasing emphasis on open technologies at Sun, NetBeans Day will have to scoot over a bit to make room for several other topics on the day before JavaOne (May 7, 2007).The free one-day event, now called CommunityOne, is designed for developers to gain technical information on free and open source topics including OpenSolaris, GlassFish, OpenJDK, Web 2.0, and, yes, NetBeans. Registration for CommunityOne is open now.

Scheduled to appear:

  • Jonathan Schwartz, Rich Green, Ian Murdock, and James Gosling (Sun)
  • James Governor and Steven O'Grady (RedMonk) 
  • Dick Wall, Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Joe Nuxoll (Java Posse special podcast)
  • Roman, Brian, Tim, Gregg, Ashwin, Matt, Dave, and Bruno (NetBeans Evangelists)
  • Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo (JRuby guys)

The first 400 attendees of NetBeans Day will receive a complimentary copy of "Rich Client Programming: Plugging into theNetBeans Platform" by Tim Boudreau, Jaroslav Tulach, and Geertjan Wiele. Both CommunityOne and JavaOne will be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

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