
New climate change report in November will heat up CO2 debate

There'll be another report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It'll come out during the U.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

There'll be another report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It'll come out during the U.N.-sponsored group's meeting in Valencia, Spain. That meeting starts November 12.

One sub-topic will be the IPCC's CO2 emission findings. They are expected to release the latest data on CO2 levels in the atmosphere. CO2 being many folks; favorite greenhouse gas and one in which China is #1, the U.S. is #2 in production. Of course, the U.S. still leads the league is production of CO2 per capita.

Already one scientist told the Australian news media he'd seen the draft report says the CO2 levels are off the breathalyzer chart, that is, well beyond predictions. But his claim is being disputed. For a run-down on the chemistry or atmospheric science involved in this CO2 debate, click here.

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