
New green site launches today: Smartplanet

It's only a soft-launch, no fan-fares or dancing girls, but the latest website to launch from ZDNet.co.
Written by Andrew Donoghue, Contributor

It's only a soft-launch, no fan-fares or dancing girls, but the latest website to launch from ZDNet.co.uk's parent company CNET Networks is dedicated to all things green.

It goes by the name of Smartplanet and already has some really interesting content including an interview with environmental guru Jonathan Porritt.

SP: Sure, but in the UK, is it the case that greener living is something only the middle classes can afford and have the time to think about -- or do the middle classes just getter richer as they consume more? JP: Well, yes, you can think of it like the latter. I've always resisted this notion that environmentalism is a sad elitist middle class phenomenon of Guardian-reading muesli-eating twats. Better-off people can always buy their way out of degraded environments. The people who suffer most from degraded environments are not middle class people -- it's those who are born into or end up in them that are stuck with them.

Porritt is supposed to be green but he's actually quite blue - the interview is littered with profanity - creative profanity but profanity none the less.

Swearing environmentalists (mentalists?) aside - the site is looking great and should provide a lot of useful resources for anyone struggling to make their life-style more sustainable - tune in and check it out.

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