
News Focus: Microsoft Live

New services for Windows and Office are on the way in a "sea change" for the software leviathan.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

New services tied to Windows and Office are on the way in a "sea change" for the software leviathan as it confronts online rivals such as Google.

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-5927345.html" rel="follow"> Microsoft to clash with new rivals

Plenty of companies will get caught in the wake as Microsoft races to compete with Google.
Nov. 1, 2005

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-5926237.html" rel="follow"> Gates: We're entering 'live era' of software

Microsoft's chairman launches Web-based tools tied to its Windows and Office products.
Image Gallery: 'Live' from Microsoft
Nov. 1, 2005

="" href="http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/index.php?p=2101" rel="follow"> Microsoft Live no jive

Dan Farber: Now, Microsoft needs to show that it can follow through in delivering the initial services this year.
Nov. 1, 2005

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="" href="https://www.zdnet.com/1606-2_2-5926376.html" rel="follow"> Gates heralds Windows Live, Office Live

Videocast: Bill Gates details the upcoming "Windows Live" and "Office Live" products, a fusion of software and services.
Nov. 1, 2005

="" href="http://blogs.zdnet.com/SAAS/index.php?p=55" rel="follow"> Let the great Microsoft mash-up begin

Phil Wainewright: Today's announcement of Microsoft's "live era" is a holding operation. Announcing an offering that doesn't exist yet is a ploy to buy time while the vendor brings it into being.
Nov. 1, 2005

="" href="http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=2103" rel="follow"> Cultural shift becomes oddly evident

Dana Gardner: The real race between Microsoft and Google may boil down to which can truly change itself best and fastest.
Nov. 1, 2005

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-5924558.html" rel="follow"> Google chase could trip up Microsoft

Analysts say Redmond's push into services is needed--but it risks rendering obsolete the company's ultra-profitable way of doing things
Nov. 1, 2005

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-5924424.html" rel="follow"> Google hiring like it's 1999

The search giant is stocking up on engineers and more as it races to keep pace with its own ambitions.
Oct. 31, 2005

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