
News to know: Macs in enterprise; Sprint for Nexus One; The eye

Reasons why Macs are a better value in the enterprise and news that Sprint has jumped on the Nexus One bandwagon tops today's headlines.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

Ed note: We’re revamping News to Know to focus on a few key themes for each news day ahead. You can get the day’s rolling posts via Twitter, RSS, or email.

What’s on tap for Thursday , March 18, 2010:

Macs are a better value buy in the enterprise, according to a recent survey of IT managers. Why? Because users prefer them, they increase productivity and supporting them is easier. In his post, David Morgenstern explores how important enterprise service and back-end platform companies are jumping on the multiplatform bandwagon.

Who knew Sprint was in the Nexus One mix, too? A day after we learned that AT&T would join T-Mobile and Verizon in supporting Google's Nexus One smartphone, here comes a "don't forget about us" from Sprint. Imagine that - buy the phone and pick your favorite carrier, or at least your existing one. Maybe that's what Google had in mind when it said it was going to change the way people buy smartphones. No word yet if Sprint's flat-rate Anytime plan would be available for the Nexus One.

Be careful what you say on Facebook today. The FBI or the IRS may be watching. With all of the personal information that we put out in social networks, it's hard to imagine that the FBI and IRS aren't watching us. And yet, we're shocked and up-in-arms over this? Larry Dignan says it best: Give me a break.

Businesses thinking about jumping from Exchange to Google Apps will be happy to learn that Google has launched a tool to simplify the migration process - all without allowing users to experience so much as a data hiccup.

Meet the Dark Side of the National Broadband Plan. While it's easy to buy into the FCC's sales pitch for an investment in a national broadband initiative, David Gewirtz takes a step back and looks at the potential pitfalls of the plan - from the inevitable greater demand for security to the infrastructure issues that will keep costs high.

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