
News to know: Palm's meltdown; Viacom vs. Google; Hacking the iPhone

Palm, Google vs. Viacom and hacking the iPhone are the themes of the day. Also see: Cell phones with the most and least radiation.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Palm, Google vs. Viacom and hacking the iPhone are the themes of the day. You can get the day’s rolling posts via Twitter, RSS, or email.

Among the key themes for Friday, March 19, 2010:

When you talk about Palm two words come to mind: Potential and underperformance. Funny now even Palm executives are using those terms to describe the company. Palm reported a rather dismal third quarter and then said revenue for the fourth quarter will be $150 million, roughly half of what Wall Street was expecting. "Our recent underperformance has been very disappointing, but the potential for Palm remains strong," said Jon Rubinstein, Palm CEO. It looks like more rough sailing ahead for Palm.

The Viacom vs. Google documents were unsealed. The short version: Viacom has a lot of salacious emails. Google says Viacom tried to buy YouTube and is jealous. Should be entertaining in the courtroom. More:

It's Pwn2Own time and hackers are targeting Apple's iPhone. Experts predict that the iPhone doesn't stand a chance and hackers will break into an Apple iPhone by exploiting a remote code execution vulnerability. Also on the security front: Ubuntu has kernel vulnerabilities

Microsoft is making a slew of virtualization-related announcements -- including one that will be welcome by customers who've been stymied by the chip-level virtualization requirements for running Windows 7 in XP Mode.

Google TV? Spare me. Every tech vendor wants to be an interactive TV king. The problem: Consumers would rather just veg out. Also:

Is social media better than sex? Umm, no, but some people think so.

Gallery time: 20 cell phones with highest radiation levels (photos)

Cell phones with the lowest radiation levels (right)

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