
News to know: SAPPHIRE, SF MusicTech, Google, HP-Palm

SAPPHIRE, a Music and Technology Summit in San Francisco, Google's goof on the heels of I/O and competitive battle for HP to win the Palm bid are today's themes. Get the day’s rolling posts via Twitter, RSS, or email.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

SAPPHIRE, a Music and Technology Summit in San Francisco, Google's goof on the heels of I/O and competitive battle for HP to win the Palm bid are today's themes. Get the day’s rolling posts via Twitter,RSS, or email.

Here are the key themes for Monday, May 17:

SAPPHIRE is kicking off today and, ahead of the show, Dennis Howlett provides a "prequel" post. It's a coming-up-to-speed take on what to expect and watch for at SAP's three-day conference, which is being held simultaneously in Frankfurt, Orlando and online as a virtual event. For live coverage from attendees, check out the live twitterstream.

Don't let the rock and roll vibe of San Francisco's Kabuki Hotel today fool you. The SF MusicTech Summit will be tackling some big business issues around the bustling intersection of music and technology with presentations from Cisco, Pandora, Twitter and others scheduled. Chris Jablonski will be liveblogging the event so be sure to check in frequently.

Google, which hosts its I/O developer's conference later this week, will be walking into that show a bit humbled, following the pretty major data collection news that has left the Street Crew cars grounded. Meanwhile, Zack Whittaker says the company is getting whipped by Microsoft on university campuses and that a free Google Voice number for students - using their .edu emails - is a last ditch effort to win them over.


Gizmodo asks Steve Jobs to confirm iPhone authenticty

HP's bid for Palm was hard-fought as the company had to outbid a number of other companies, most of which were interested in the intellectual property more than the company itself, according to some pretty good details to come out of a proxy statement filing.

More reading:

Gizmodogate - as the scandal over the lost/stolen iPhone prototype that ended up on Gizmodo - becomes a topic of juicy reading with the release of the search warrant. Check out some images from the affidavit.

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