
Ninemsn flags Ticketek union

Local online joint publishing venture ninemsn today said it hadinked a deal with event ticketing supplier Ticketek that would seethe company's booking engine integrated with relevant content onninemsn's portal.
Written by Renai LeMay, Contributor

in brief Local online joint publishing venture ninemsn today said it had inked a deal with event ticketing supplier Ticketek that would see the company's booking engine integrated with relevant content on ninemsn's portal.

According to a statement issued this morning, the deal, which takes effect from 1 September this year, would mean that ninemsn's audience could easily move straight to purchasing tickets after reading about an event on the company's portal.

In addition, ninemsn will take on the advertising sales for Ticketek's websites in an exclusive arrangement which the pair expect to increase the amount of advertising on the sites. Ticketek is owned by PBL Media, while ninemsn is a joint venture between Microsoft and PBL Media.

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