
Nuggets: Kill that keyboard!

Nuggets, twice a day, every day (well, we do our best!). Software, hardware and every gadget we can get our mits on...
Written by Justin Pearse, Contributor
Dictation machines that boast hours of recording time and slick editing facilities are great for some, but they come at a price... So if you're after a digital voice recorder but don't fancy paying almost £300 for Olympus' flashy model, you may like to consider Franklin Electronic Publishers' slightly more affordable VTR-032 digital dictation assistant. Up to 40 minutes of speech can be recorded on its integrated memory chip, significantly less than Olympus' 2.5 hours, although you can purchase additional memory cards. Simple insertion and deletion editing facilities aren't a patch on Olympus either, but probably will be all most people really need. You can use either Naturally Speaking from Dragon or IBM's ViaVoice to turn your words into text. Low on features, low on price -- available now for £129.99. www.franklin.com

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