
Number 10 most-read post of 2007: a YouTube moment that wasn't

Through December 5 of this year, the number 10 most-read post on this blog was What the bridge collapse videos tell us about YouTube's audience.In this post, I noted that although YouTube is a destination for posts abut news with strong visuals, the interest among YouTube users in seeing news about the tragic collapse of the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis this summer doesn't match the interest indicated in page view counts for more fluff stuff.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Through December 5 of this year, the number 10 most-read post on this blog was What the bridge collapse videos tell us about YouTube's audience.

In this post, I noted that although YouTube is a destination for posts abut news with strong visuals, the interest among YouTube users in seeing news about the tragic collapse of the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis this summer doesn't match the interest indicated in page view counts for more fluff stuff.

I haven't changed my opinion since.

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