
Office 2010: Finalised code coming next month

News in brief: As Microsoft promises free upgrade for some Office 2007 users
Written by Ina Fried, Contributor

News in brief: As Microsoft promises free upgrade for some Office 2007 users

Microsoft said on Friday it plans to finalise the code for Office 2010 next month and, as expected, it kicked off a programme enabling those who buy Office 2007 in the coming months to get a free upgrade to the new version.

Microsoft said in a blog posting it will have a business launch for the Office 2010 products on 12 May, and expects the software to be broadly available in June.

As for the technology guarantee programme, Microsoft says it will apply to those who purchase Office 2007 between 5 March and 30 September 2010 and will allow an upgrade to the comparable Office 2010 product.

Microsoft Office 2010 box

Microsoft plans to finalise code for Office 2010 next month
(Photo credit: Microsoft)

For more on Office 210 see the full story, Office 2010 nearly ready; upgrade offer launched, on CNET News.com.

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