
OnTheRun with Tablet PCs #35 - the Vista show

James Kendrick and I are back with a long overdue show #35 and the discussion quickly turns to the new Tablet PC that I am evaluating compliments of Lenovo and our friend Buzz Bruggeman. Since the new Lenovo Tablet is running VIsta (Business Edition), a quick discussion of the merits of the Tablet PC bits in Vista is in order.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor

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James Kendrick  and I are back with a long overdue show #35 and the discussion quickly turns to the new Tablet PC that I am evaluating compliments of Lenovo and  our friend Buzz Bruggeman. Since the new Lenovo Tablet is running VIsta (Business Edition), a quick discussion of the merits of the Tablet PC bits in Vista is in order. We eaqch relate what we like best about the Vista operating system on Tablet PCs.  I tell James about a Monster Power mobile power strip that I've been carrying with me on my many travels and James is so impressed with it he buys one online during the show, a first for OTR TPC.  We cover lots of ground so give it a listen and let us know what you think of the show.

Special thanks to Tiedye Keith for the great song "Vulnerable" with vocals by Tony Lindsay of Santana.

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