
Open source switch guide launched by EC

Government gets all touchy-feely
Written by Jo Best, Contributor

Government gets all touchy-feely

The EC yesterday launched a new set of guidelines designed to help government IT managers decide whether to make the switch from proprietary to open source software and how to migrate their systems.

The rather sizeable document was drafted between the EC itself, member states including Finland, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany as well as consultants and offers both management and technical advice for those thinking about giving proprietary software the elbow.

Among the advice to be found in the document are tips on how to migrate desktops, ensuring interoperability and keeping mobile workers on board – all described in what the authors call "broadly technical terms" - as well recommendations on how to deal with the human resources side of the swap.

The guidelines have been released in line with the EC's Interchange of Data between Administrators (IDA) programme, which is intended to ensure greater interoperability between the various public administrations of member states.

While many European countries provided input into the document, the UK was one of those who didn't take part, despite the British government's fondness for open source. Nine local authorities across the UK are currently trialling open source software to boost cost and efficiency across government.

Germany, which did take part in compiling the document, is well-known for leading the way in the adoption of alternatives to traditional proprietary software – the Mayor of Munich famously was immune to Steve Ballmer's considerable charms and plumped for Linux on the authority's 14,000 computers.

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