
"Organic" Marketing melarky, not scientific term

Think you know what "organic" means? Like "security" or "god," it means many different things to many different people, some of them slick marketers.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Think you know what "organic" means? Like "security" or "god," it means many different things to many different people, some of them slick marketers. Like the additives in organic baby formula. And there are different categories of "organic" even for products that are honestly labelled under the current regs. 70% organic products can claim to be "made with organic." What if the other 30% is Teflon? And in an era when energy use and true costs are becoming evident, there's no standard or labelling for how much energy, irrigation, packaging, transport and air pollution was involved in producing that food or cosmetic or vitamin. The consumer is left to wonder or guess or spend endless hours tryingto reserarch each purchase and nobody's got time to do that.

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